13 Tricks to Revamp Your Training Program for the New Year

The start of the new year is a time for reflection and personal growth. That applies to all aspects of your life - including your fitness routine. Here are 13 tricks to revamp your fitness routine and make 2020 the best year yet.

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1. No Resolutions, Only Goals

Most people have resolutions, which are positive affirmations to help them improve themselves. Resolutions, however, are usually broken, because they are ideas and not actual plans. Saying "I will go to the gym three times per week" is not as concrete as saying, "I will start an 8-week training cycle where I go to the gym three times a week. Each day I will focus on one of the big three movements - Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift." Resolutions are desires. Goals are commitments.

2. Write Down Your Goals

Write out your goals for the year. Make them specific and keep them close so you can refer to them frequently. Make some of the goals small and easy to accomplish, while others will require multiple steps. For example: you can set a big goal to deadlift 200 lbs, another goal to work on your deadlift at least 1x a week for 8 weeks, and another to add 5lbs to your max each week. This will help you keep on track as you measure progress more frequently.

3. Add Single-Side Training

When building a foundational level of strength, you get the best bang for your buck with:

  1. Pull

  2. Squat/Lunge

  3. Hinge

  4. Push

  5. Core (Anti-Extension, Flexion, Rotation)

  6. Carry

They work even better when accompanied by single-side training. Dumbbell Rows and Dumbbell Chest Presses are great for stabilizing muscles and addressing any imbalances of strength or mobility on either side. Subsequently, Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats and Lunge Variations take care of the lower body.

4. Plan Your Training

You have your goals and your focus. Now create a general plan of attack. Just “showing up” to the gym without an actual plan leaves most to wander from equipment to equipment only to leave without really doing anything. Of course that’s not sustainable! It’s one of the reasons why at Pride Fitness EVERY single client has a workout to follow that’s built for continuous progression so there’s never any questions about what to do next.

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5. Add Power Exercises

This is where the fun begins - using your strength to move an object fast. Beginners can start with Medicine Ball Throws and Slams, then progress to Squat Jumps, Box Jumps and Kettlebell Swings. Advanced trainees might move into the Olympic lifts like Cleans and Snatches.

6. Decide What You're Training For

Wearing jeans from 5 years ago is great, but the motivation for that will soon wear off. Do you have kids who you want to be healthy? Workout and eat clean so they can see you and follow. Did your kid just have a kid? Workout so you can get up and down off the floor pain free and play with your grandchildren. Having a strong why is essential to long term success.

7. Learn From the Past Year's Training Program

Think about where you were at the start of last year. Did your Deadlift increase? Can you do more Chin-Ups? Did your training program help you outside of the gym in activities such as golf or just living life? Did anything in your program hinder your performance? How frequently did you change out your exercises? Answers to these questions allow you to refine your program, build off the positive, and remove the unnecessary.

8. Add Soft Tissue Work

At the beginning of every workout, grab a foam roller and roll those muscles out. As you become more in tune with your body, you will realize what areas require more attention. Roll the whole body: calves, hamstrings, glutes, hips, quads, lats and pecs. Soft tissue work stretches, warms and hydrates the muscles, priming them for the work ahead. Give your muscles some love after the workout too. This will help speed up recovery and reduce soreness.

9. Add Mobility Work

After your soft tissue work, it is time to get your joints moving. Simple movements will unlock tight joints by lubricating them, allowing for much freer movement during your workout.

10. Assess Yourself

A lot can happen over the course of a year. Your body goes through many changes with each year. Imbalances in the body can reduce performance, slow recovery and lead to injuries down the road.

When starting a new program, it is essential to assess these areas. Do your ankles have adequate and similar range of motion? How about your hamstrings, hips and shoulders?  Can you perform a Single-Leg Squat equally on both legs? Chances are, there is at least one area that you can improve going into your next program - and now is the perfect time to address it.

11. Address What Needs to be Fixed

Your assessment should have offered up many clues about the current state of your body. Now it is time to address any issues. Corrective exercises fix imbalances. They include band exercises for the shoulders and rotator cuff and mobility exercises for the hips, knees and ankles. They might not be as exciting as Squats, Bench Presses or Deadlifts, but they're essential to keeping you healthy and performing better.

12. Find A Community and Coach

If you enjoy the luxury of having a coach or training partner to work with you, your success will be far greater. I do recommend seeking out a community of individuals who help keep you accountable and push you, while finding a professional coach who can do the game planning for you (addressing imbalances, planning your training year, evaluating your current state and building programs around your goals). We offer all that and more at Pride Fitness!

13. Recover and Rest

You can't simply go forever. It's important to schedule training days off. Make stretching and other forms of restoration, like massage and Active Release Techniques, a part of your training program. Fuel and hydrate your body properly and get adequate sleep. One of the best rest and recover days you can schedule is daily walks leaving phones behind and just enjoying the weather!

Want our help getting you in the best shape of your life? Click below to learn about the different membership options we offer! You can even set a Free Strategy Session with one of Professional Coaches where we will help you create a game plan to get you where you want to be! Let’s make the new year your fittest year!