Our customized membership is great for folks who are looking to get into working out but aren’t sure where to start! The built-in coaching sessions help to ensure you’re performing exercises properly and improve your accountability and consistency!

This membership is also really great for individuals who have specific goals! Whether it’s to lose 50lbs, run a marathon, workout through pregnancy, or become a better athlete in your sport - our customized membership takes your individual goals into account and builds a program around your specific needs!



Most gyms just leave you to your own devices when it comes to putting together your workout plan. This can lead to uncertainty, frustration, and a lack of results.

We wanted to take the guess-work out of working out, so with our customized membership you will receive a completely individualized workout program! Every 4-6 weeks your program designer will write you a new program so that you continue to progress and avoid hitting plateaus or getting bored! You don’t have to think about ANYTHING! Just show up where a coach will walk you through the workout step by step so that all you need to do is the actual work!


Semi-private personal training is when one coach works with one to four members at a time. All the members are doing their own individualized workouts, but the coach is overseeing the session and making sure everyone knows how to perform their exercises properly, how to adjust the equipment, etc.

After many years of one-on-one personal training, it became clear that it was unnecessary for the trainer to be constantly hovering over the client and counting their reps for them. We also realized that this one-on-one setting was not conducive to creating autonomy for our clients. Since one of our top prioritize is to empower our members to feel confident and comfortable in the gym, we realized that a semi-private model was the perfect way to give them some more freedom and autonomy, but also the coaching and attention that they needed when learning new exercises! Not only that, but working out alongside your peers is always a lot more fun and enjoyable!


A component of many personal training studios that creates a lot of frustration for folks is that you are only able to workout when you’re with a trainer! We didn’t like the idea of limiting the amount of time someone could spend working out on their own, so we incorporated an open gym setting where you can come in and workout anytime!


Our coaches at Pride are extremely knowledgeable certified personal trainers. But they don’t stop learning after their certified personal trainer exams. All of our coaches are committed to continuing education (it’s one of our core values) and they are continuously attending workshops, seminars, and certifications to hone their craft. They’re constantly bringing their best and staying up to date with the latest best practices in strength and conditioning!



You will have a session with a coach every single week to learn your program and receive guidance on form and technique. Coaching sessions give you a chance to feel more confident in your workout routine, learn about how your body can move in the most efficient way possible, and be pushed to do more than you might have done on your own! These coaching sessions can be set up as recurring appointments (i.e. every Tuesday at 6am) or you can schedule them week to week via text or phone call!


Outside of your weekly scheduled coaching sessions, you can come in and use the gym to complete the rest of your program whenever you’d like! During open gym you will still have access to our coaches on the floor to ask questions and make sure you’re performing the exercises correctly.


While you will want your focus to be on completing your program that your coach has written specifically for you, we also recommend adding some group classes into the mix! We typically encourage our customized members to attend some classes outside of their training! You never have to worry about signing up for class ahead of time - they are built into your membership so you can just show up and take whichever classes you’d like!


Even though you’ll have weekly coaching sessions and access to our coaches during open gym, we still want to be sure that you’re getting the best experience possible by offering additional support from our coaching staff. When you join, you will receive our “support” line where you can check in WHENEVER with ANYTHING! We will also add you to our private Facebook Group where you will be connected with our other members of the Tribe!