Try This Sweat Workout!

Below is a workout description to one of our “Sweat” workouts we provided for our Gym Members. The goal is simple: burn calories, build muscle in all parts of the body, and work the core. It’s a great workout that can be done in under 45 minutes! You’ll find the video posted as well so you can watch it! Any of the exercises can be modified for ANY individual in any given level of fitness shape. If you have questions about how you can change an exercise you aren’t comfortable doing, comment below and we’ll respond with an appropriate suggestion that you can do!

Part 1

15min. AMRAP:

  • 12 DB Front Rack Rev Lunges

  • 12 Wall Balls

  • 12 Cals Row

**Rest 2min.

Part 2

EMOM x5:

  • Min 1) Max Medball Slams

  • Min 2) Plank

**Rest 2min.

Part 3

15min. AMRAP:

  • 12 DB Push Press

  • 12 Hanging Knee Raise

  • 200m Run

Make sure to check out our “Sweat” and “Strength” Workout Library for more workouts to try! Just click either of those options and you’ll be taken over to a list of workouts to try!