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6 Essential Functional Movement Exercises

When it comes to strength training and your fitness routine - skip the machines, treadmills, and sitting around - that’s the 90’s.

Functional Training using unique implements and methods are often seen as the staple of the super-fit, strong and young

Here we will discuss the rationale for a functional approach to training and suggest example exercises and programs. It should be noted that “training for” any broad population is necessarily very complex and that making specific recommendations is both challenging and complicated.

Conventional Fitness Options

Before tackling the “what” and “how,” we need to examine the “why.” The conventional health and fitness approach typically consists of:

  • Machine-based, often seated, resistance exercise.

  • A focus on aerobic exercise, over and above strength and functional movement.

  • An abundance of mobility aids that reduce the physical requirements of the individual.

I would argue that this conventional approach to health and fitness can be largely ineffective in supporting the needs of most of the population. My experience has been that improving an individual’s ability to move comfortably has a far greater impact on their daily life and health than anything else. That, in turn, directly improves quality of life.

Of course, any training program can be impacted by other factors such as disease and obesity, but these can be treated both independently and as part of the overall goal of the program.

An Unconventional Approach

It is easy to categorize a certain type of training or equipment as being “unconventional” or as leading to a certain type of result. Our industry is guilty of this over and over again. The important thing to consider when approaching a large, diverse population is that we are examining the probable result of applying the principle rather than a 1+1=2 approach. Therefore, I think it’s important to further qualify the desired results from this unconventional approach.

When we elect to try kettlebell training instead of the step class, barbell strength program, or a resistance machine circuit, what are we really trying to achieve? We want to gain the results that are typically associated with those activities. If you don’t first set out those goals then it becomes increasingly difficult to both implement and adapt your training options to achieve optimal success.

Functional Movement Exercises Programming

As a baseline, a focus on an exercise in each movement pattern is a sensible approach. This may also need to be adapted for certain individuals. You could also substitute any of the exercises below for a comparable exercise with a specific training implement. The following is an example of a basic human movement program with exercises and comparable daily activities:

1. Squat

The squat is a simple movement pattern that can be progressed or regressed through altering the level of support, range of motion, or resistance. The squat is comparable to sitting down and standing up.

2. Lunge

The lunge is a vital movement pattern that has good transfer into walking, stair climbing, and picking up things from the floor. Again, it can be progressed or regressed through the level of support, range of motion or resistance.

3. Hinge

A classic deadlift movement is not only an excellent exercise to strengthen the posterior chain but is one of the most functional of daily movements – picking up an object from the floor. The deadlift can also easily be performed in any environment e.g. with a holdall, shopping bag, or suitcase. The range of motion and resistance can easily be adjusted and variations like the suitcase deadlift offer additional flexibility and progression.

4. Push

An exercise like the push-up is the simplest upper body push movement but can offer difficulties for those with reduced mobility. As a baseline exercise, I actually prefer a standing resistance band press as it also helps to develop balance. For those who are unable to stand, the exercise can be regressed to a seated or kneeling version.

5. Pull

A standing resistance band pull offers a great antagonist to the resistance band push. As with the push version, the resistance band pull can also be performed from a seated or kneeling if necessary.

6. Rotate

A standing resistance band rotation is effective in developing both rotational strength and balance. Like the resistance band push and pull, it can be performed from a seated or kneeling position if necessary.

It’s Time for You to Start Refining Functional Movement Exercises

The value of unconventional training comes not in the range of implements and methods that can be used, but in the way that the training can be made applicable to diverse populations. Applying sound coaching principles with an unconventional approach can produce amazing results.

If you’d like help changing your approach to fitness, click the link below and schedule your free Breakthrough Session. This will be a One on One Personal Training Session with our Professional Coaches where we will talk about your goals, what’s stopping you from getting there, and how you can create a plan to achieve what you want!