Pride Fitness

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Burn Fat, Build Muscle, and Get in Shape! Give This Full Body Workout a Go!

“Weights make women bulky”... 🤔

False… Exhibit A: Pride Fitness Client Lori. Here’s a recent workout from her Personal Training. Give this full body workout a go and burn fat, build muscle, and get in shape fast!

Strength Development

1A) 15e TRX Side Plank Hip Hip

1B) 6-8 Barbell Floor Press

  • climb in weight each round

1C) 20+10 Stability Ball Leg Curl + Supine Hip Extension

  • Complete 1B & 1C 4x, 1A 3x

Strength Development

2A) 6 Barbell RDL

  • 3 second lowering of the barbell

2B) 10 Kettlebell Sumo Squat

  • 1 second pause at the bottom, hard glute squeeze at the top each rep

2C) ~8 Close grip push up

  • Complete 2A & 2B 4x, 2C 3x

Metabolic Strength

2min. AMRAP:

3A) 7 Cal Ski Erg

3B) 20 Lateral Step Up Hops (L+R=2)

3C) Max V-Ups in remaining time

  • 1min. rest

  • repeat 3 more times!

That finisher at the end gets spicy! You really expand that diaphragm on the ski erg then do those v-ups and that core gets smoked!

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